We are 100 days smarter in R23! |
Feng Feng and Emily constructing towers from 100 marshmallows for the 100 day party! Who built the tallest tower? |
We are a class at New Windsor School from Auckland, New Zealand. We learn, create and share around our school values be respectful, be responsible and be the best we can be. Check out our learning!
We are 100 days smarter in R23! |
Feng Feng and Emily constructing towers from 100 marshmallows for the 100 day party! Who built the tallest tower? |
Room 23 dressed up as special book characters for Book Week! |
Miss Coulter and Florence both came as Little Red Ridding Hood! |
Pranay won the 'Best Dressed' Award! Ka Pai Pranay!
...Can you guess what book character Pranay is?
Can you guess who these two teachers are? What book are their characters from?... |
Getting reading for the book parade. Excitement fills the air! |
Miss Bennett and Miss Smythe! |
Another...Little red riding hood!! |